Monday, 9 April 2012

What Ahmadiyyat - Islam Has Done For Me

Written by:  Deeba Chaudhry
Source:  Calgary Ahmadiyya Muslim Examiner

The pace at which peace is fast disappearing from the world today has caused each sane and sensible person to worry. This includes religious people and those who do not believe in any religion. It includes believers in God, whether one God or many goods, and atheists who deny the very existence of God. Each group has its own arguments. They all have valid concerns that peace is disappearing from this world. Man who considers himself to be educated and civilized, is reverting back to the period of ignorance when personal ego and false pride led people to cut each other’s throat and on a collective basis made tribes and dynasties indulge in such barbaric acts. The ordinary beauties of this world have been made attractive to us, to our children and our families. Big corporations are spending millions upon millions of dollars to lure us to worldly objects like the latest technological gadgets, iPhones, Blackberries, Netbooks etc. For much of mankind, living in a beautiful home, putting on the most expensive clothes, buying the best perfumes, and owning the most expensive car, have become the objectives of this life. There is no doubt, that we live in a very materialistic world, a world, where people question everything. They question the need to work, they question the need to have a family, they question the necessity of religion in society, and they even question existence of God. In this day and age, people from all walks of life are questioning what religion can do or has to offer them? These people even ask the question: What Ahmadiyyat, Islam has done for me, (what it) has done for us? In this materialistic world, belief in God’s existence is based upon mere conjecture. A large number of people have left religion and have become atheists. Those who have not done so, have inherited this belief from their ancestors, but in reality, they do not believe in God. Their hearts are devoid of faith as deserted house is devoid of residents. This is not only true of some particular country or religion; it is rather true of all religions and the entire world. The poison of disbelief has penetrated deep into the followers of all religions: be they Zoroastrians, be they Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, be they Christians, Sikhs, or Muslims. The noxious winds of materialism have reduced every orchard of faith to ashes. Do people in this day and age feel and experience the existence of God as they feel and experience material and tangible things of this world? No! Are they as certain about the existence of God, as they are about the existence of the sun and the moon, the mountains and rivers, their houses, their ancestors, and their friends? No! It is great blessing of Allah the Almighty upon the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam that through His Mercy He sent The Promised Messiah (as), the Imam Mahdi, The Reformer of the Age, in the person of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), who showed us Who the Real Living God is. It is through him, that we have recognised the beautiful attributes of our Allah, our Creator. Let me quote from his beautiful writings on “Our God”: “Our God is (HE) Who is alive today just as (HE) was (known to be) alive before. (Likewise,) He speaks today as He spoke in the past; He hears as He used to hear before. It is a vain notion to think that in this age He only hears but does not speak. (In fact,) He hears and speaks as well. All (of) His attributes are eternal and everlasting. None of His attributes (are) ever suspended, nor will they ever be.. He constitutes (in Himself) all the most perfect attributes and is the manifestation of all qualities that are truly worthy of praise. He is the Fountainhead of all excellences. He is All-Powerful. He is the Sour4ce of all goodness and He is where all things will return. He is the (true) Sovereign of all nations. Her is known for every excellence and is free from every blemish. He is Unique in His right to be worshiped by all who dwell on the earth or belong to heaven. (Al-Wasiyyat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol.20, pg 309-310). Allah has showered His blessings upon all Ahmadis, and has enabled them to recognize His true attributes. Recognition of the true living God - this is what Ahmadiyyat has done for me!
In this day and age, people have forgotten the true essence of prayers - supplication. Prayer is thought to be obsolete. People question, ‘how is it possible that God can show miracles in this day and age?’ Many scientists have played a major role in the diverting man’s attention from prayer, for they being so worldly inclined do not understand the power of prayers. There are also Muslims, who go the graves of saints and make them intermediaries between God and man. It is through belief in the Promised Messiah (as) that we Ahamdi Muslims have realized the true value of prayers. Supplications and remembrance of God, that is, contemplation of His attributes, are the principal means of establishing a living relationship with God. In its highest expression, prayer is an experience of direct contact with God. According to the Islamic concept, prayer is a direct pouring forth of (the) soul, by the supplicant before the Divine Majesty. There is no need for, nor does Islamic tolerate the notion of, any intermediary between God and man. The Qur’an constantly exhorts us towards remembrance of God. The glorification of God and the celebration of His Praise, are not confined to any set phrase of formula. The yearning of the soul, to approach ever nearer to its Maker, and to celebrate His Praise and Holiness, to express its homage to Him, and to proclaim its gratitude for His countless favours and bounties, may find expression in a thousand different ways. In short, Islam requires that whatever task or activity a person may be engaged in, his soul be anchored in God, and that a person constantly seek nearness to Him. Ahmadis have learned the real importance of prayers, power of supplications through the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as). This is what Ahmadiyyat has done for me!
Today Muslims around the globe, have forgotten their real teachings, the teachings of Qur’an. It is Jama’at Ahmadiyya that has been entrusted with the responsibility of upholding the Qur’anic teachings and to show the world that this book is full of wisdom. All guidance for mankind, for all times to come, is found in the Holy Qur’an. Ahmadis all over the globe, recite the Holy Qur’an, follow the commandments contained in it to the letter and spirit. Ahmadis are passing through a time of trails and tribulations. On one hand, God is showing His Might with tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods; on the other hand, mankind is determined to follow the path of self-destruction. In the name of so-called “free speech”, opponents of Islam have found new avenues to hurt and defame the name of our beloved Master, The Holy Prophet, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (sa), his pure being is a collection of various noble qualities. Hence, he is Moses (as), as well as Jesus (as), he is Adam (as), as well Abraham (as, and he is Joseph (as) as well as Jacob (as). God indicates in the verse, `So do thou follow their guidance.`(6:91) Meaning, O``Prophet of God, merge in yourself the various teachings that all prophets particularly exhibited.` This proves that all excellences were present in the Holy Prophet (sa). In fact, Muhammad (sa)`s name indicates this, because Muhammad (sa) means, The one who is most highly praised. This love of Holy Prophet (sa) is special to Ahamdi Muslims. Whenever the name of our beloved Master is taken, each and every one of Ahmadi Muslim sends Darud on him by saying, Salallaho Alaihi Wassalam, invoking Allah`s Blessings on him. This love, true respect and loyalty towards the Holy Prophet (sa) is Ahmadiyyat`s gift to all of us!
As Ahmadi Muslims, we have been chosen by Allah, the Exalted to be the true followers of the Promised Messiah (as). This the Mahdi and the Messiah, for whom the world had been awaiting. This is the same Mahdi for whom our beloved Master Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) used the words, inna li-Mahdiyyana, Òur Mahdì.` This is the Mahdi for whom, our beloved Master instructed his Ummah, When you find the Mahdi, perform Baiat (make a pledge of allegiance) at his hands. You must go to him, even if you have to reach him across icebound mountains crawling on your feet. His is the Mahdi and the Caliph of Allah.`(Sunan Ibn Majah)

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