Monday, 9 April 2012


Written by:  Deeba Chaudhry
Source:  Calgary Ahmadiyya Muslim Examiner

The God of Islam is the same God who is visible in the mirror of the laws of nature and is discernible in the book of nature. Islam has not presented a new God but has presented the same God who is presented by the light of man`s heart, the conscience of man, and by the universe. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam, the Promised Messiah (as) says: Our God possesses many wonders, but they visible only to those who become His out of sincerity and loyalty. He does not disclose his wonders to those who do not believe in His Power and who are not sincere and loyal to Him. How a unfortunate is the man who does not know that he has a God, who has power to do all that He wills. His powers are unlimited and His wonders are without end . Our paradise, indeed, is our God, our highest enjoyment is in our God, for we have seen Him and have found every beauty in Him. This treasure is worth having, even if at the cost of one`s life, and this is a a jewel which is worth purchasing even if obtainable only by sacrificing one`s entire being. O`ye, that are devoid, run to this fountain, for it will quench your thirst. It is the fountain of life that shall save you. What am I to do, and how am I to impress this glade tiding upon your mind, with what drum should I make the announcement that this is your God, so that people might hear. What remedy shall I apply to their ears, so that they should listen. If you belong to Allah, rest assure that Allah will indeed belong to you. (Kishti Nuh).

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