Thursday, 15 March 2012

Christianity prescribes the observance of headscarves, which is why First Lady Michelle Obama covered her head when meeting the Pope. Biblical images often show that the virgin mother Mary always portrayed with her head covered. it was obligatory for catholic women to wear a headscarf while attending church. Consequently, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was wearing a headscarf when she visited the Mosque. A headscarf is a symbol of purity and respect of religious. There is nothing wrong with a woman’s choice to cover herself. It is personal and individual choice and obedience for respectful religion. For the first time, France and Belgium have banned veils in public and now Dutch Government moving closer to banning the burka.
On the one side, each Muslim woman is responsible to follow her belief’s commandments. On the other side, secular extremists have victimized Muslim Women. For example, Germany forbids Muslim schoolteacher from wearing headscarves because they are not in line with Western Values. Extremists both religious and secular, need to be educated on the true nature and intention of Islam’s guidance of dress moderation and protection. What should Muslim women do? Islam tells that they should only be concerned with keeping God happy. Thus if a women, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, chooses to cover her head or face then that too is her right and ought never to be interfered with. I strongly admired Canada for being the ambassador of religious freedom and rights.

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