The scriptures of all major religions direct attention towards
science, time and again, rather than evoking prejudice against it. The Holy
Quran has never advised against studying science, lest the reader should become
a non-believer; because it has no such fear or concern. The Quran is not
worried that if people will learn the laws of nature its spell will break. The
Quran has not prevented people from science, rather it states, “Say, Reflect on
what is happening in the heavens and the earth”. (Al-Quran 10:12) By heavens is
meant the study of astronomy and by earth is meant the study of geology,
biology and archeology. If God considered that the result of such study will
create prejudice and hatred against religion, the Quran would have advised not
to ever study these branches of knowledge. But in contrast to that it advises
believers emphatically to study these sciences and investigate, as it knows
that as the knowledge progresses in these fields, its truth will be testified. In fact, the Holy Quran insists in some 750 verses that Muslims
study, reflect, and use reason to comprehend the universe. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad made it compulsory for every man
and woman to gain education and urged Muslims to seek knowledge even if they
had to travel to China. The God of Islam is the same God who is visible in the
reflection of laws of nature and is discernible in the book of nature. Islam
has not presented a new God but has presented the same God who is presented by
the light of man’s heart, by the conscience of man, and by heaven and earth. Every
scientific discovery has taken place on the basis of this principle.
It was these exhortations that led Muslims of early Islam to
excel in all fields of science, astronomy, archeology, mathematics, and medicine. Among these great scientists Muhammad Ibn
Musa al-Khwarizmi [Algoritmi], (780-850), was a Persian mathematician,
astronomer and geographer, a scholar in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad. He
introduced the decimal position number system and his book “Calculation by
Completion and Balancing” revealed the first systematic solution of linear and
quadratic equations. Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis),
(936-1013) who pioneered modern surgical and
medical instruments The golden age of sciences in Islam was doubtlessly the age
of Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Sina [Avicenna], (980-1037), the mediaevalists, the
most significant thinker and writer of Islamic Golden Age, also written more
than 240 books on philosophy and medicine. The world known Ibn-al-Hasan Ibn
al-Haytham [Alhacen], (965-1040), who was an polymath and philosopher,
contributed in optics, astronomy, meteorology and greatest physicist of all
times. Ibe al-Nafis [1213-1288], being the first to describe the pulmonary
circulation of the blood and learned jurisprudence, literature and theology and
became expert physician.
Nicolaus Copernicus
[1473-1543], a German astronomer and mathematician, who known for copernicus’
law, he formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the
Earth at the center of the universe and published in his book “De
Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium” (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres)
which considered a major step in the history of modern science. There was a time when the concept of the world being
round was an idea that was beyond comprehension. Galileo
Galilei [1564-1642], an Italian astronomer and mathematician, whose Dialogue
Concerning the Two Chief World Systems made an inferential leap, and he
believed that such idea was possible. Isaac Newton, natural philosopher, scientist of all times (1624
– 1726) whose observation of a falling apple did not prove the existence of
gravity, but it did necessitate the pursuit of the idea. Jean-Sylvain Bailly
[1736-1793], a French astronomer and mathematician, who calculated an orbit for
the next appearance of Halley’ Comet in 1759 and correctly reduced Lacaille’s
observations of 515 stars. Dr. Abdus Salam, (1926-1996) an Ahmadi
Muslim, to follow in the footsteps of the pioneering Muslim Scientists. It was
with this understanding that he carried his research, and it was this
conviction that led him to become a highly respected physicist and Nobel
Laureate (Physics Prize 1979) — the first Muslim to do so. If religion is true,
it should not fear science but should embrace it, because after all, as Dr. Abdus
Salam famously said, “Scientific thought is the common heritage of mankind”.
Sohail Chaudhry a Bsc IT professional and writer, has received education
on world religions. He believes interfaith dialogue is the key to peace and
harmony in the society. He values interfaith interaction for educating one
another regarding varying faiths and philosophical traditions and would like to
promote it through his writings. He has worked in diverse religious communities
in different countries. Sohail wrote many articles on religions and science for
various magazines and newspapers. His writing generally focuses on countering
misconceptions about true religions. Sohail believes that everyone has the
right to follow the religion philosophy they adhere to. He wants to convey the
message of peace and lives by the motto “Love for all, Hatred for none“ and that true understanding helps bridge
difference. Email Sohail with your thoughts, comments and suggestions.